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Stream ice

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stream \Stream\ (str[=e]m), n. [AS. stre['a]m; akin to OFries.
   str[=a]m, OS. str[=o]m, D. stroom, G. strom, OHG. stroum,
   str[=u]m, Dan. & Sw. str["o]m, Icel. straumr, Ir. sroth,
   Lith. srove, Russ. struia, Gr. "ry`sis a flowing, "rei^n to
   flow, Skr. sru. [root]174. Cf. {Catarrh}, {Diarrhea},
   {Rheum}, {Rhythm}.]
   1. A current of water or other fluid; a liquid flowing
      continuously in a line or course, either on the earth, as
      a river, brook, etc., or from a vessel, reservoir, or
      fountain; specifically, any course of running water; as,
      many streams are blended in the Mississippi; gas and steam
      came from the earth in streams; a stream of molten lead
      from a furnace; a stream of lava from a volcano.

   2. A beam or ray of light. ``Sun streams.'' --Chaucer.

   3. Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of
      parts; as, a stream of words; a stream of sand. ``The
      stream of beneficence.'' --Atterbury. ``The stream of
      emigration.'' --Macaulay.

   4. A continued current or course; as, a stream of weather.
      ``The very stream of his life.'' --Shak.

   5. Current; drift; tendency; series of tending or moving
      causes; as, the stream of opinions or manners.

   {Gulf stream}. See under {Gulf}.

   {Stream anchor}, {Stream cable}. (Naut.) See under {Anchor},
      and {Cable}.

   {Stream ice}, blocks of ice floating in a mass together in
      some definite direction.

   {Stream tin}, particles or masses of tin ore found in
      alluvial ground; -- so called because a stream of water is
      the principal agent used in separating the ore from the
      sand and gravel.

   {Stream works} (Cornish Mining), a place where an alluvial
      deposit of tin ore is worked. --Ure.

   {To float with the stream}, figuratively, to drift with the
      current of opinion, custom, etc., so as not to oppose or
      check it.
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