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Testudinaria Elephantipes

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Elephant apple} (Bot.), an East Indian fruit with a rough,
      hard rind, and edible pulp, borne by {Feronia elephantum},
      a large tree related to the orange.

   {Elephant bed} (Geol.), at Brighton, England, abounding in
      fossil remains of elephants. --Mantell.

   {Elephant beetle} (Zo["o]l.), any very large beetle of the
      genus {Goliathus} (esp. {G. giganteus}), of the family
      {Scarab[ae]id[ae]}. They inhabit West Africa.

   {Elephant fish} (Zo["o]l.), a chim[ae]roid fish
      ({Callorhynchus antarcticus}), with a proboscis-like
      projection of the snout.

   {Elephant paper}, paper of large size, 23 [times] 28 inches.

   {Double elephant paper}, paper measuring 263/4 [times] 40
      inches. See Note under {Paper}.

   {Elephant seal} (Zo["o]l.), an African jumping shrew
      ({Macroscelides typicus}), having a long nose like a

   {Elephant's ear} (Bot.), a name given to certain species of
      the genus Begonia, which have immense one-sided leaves.

   {Elephant's foot} (Bot.)
      (a) A South African plant ({Testudinaria Elephantipes}),
          which has a massive rootstock covered with a kind of
          bark cracked with deep fissures; -- called also
          {tortoise plant}. The interior part is barely edible,
          whence the plant is also called {Hottentot's bread}.
      (b) A genus ({Elephantopus}) of coarse, composite weeds.

   {Elephant's tusk} (Zo["o]l.), the tooth shell. See
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