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Thalassia testudinum

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of the numerous species of Testudinata,
      especially a sea turtle, or chelonian.

   Note: In the United States the land and fresh-water tortoises
         are also called turtles.

   2. (Printing) The curved plate in which the form is held in a
      type-revolving cylinder press.

   {Alligator turtle}, {Box turtle}, etc. See under {Alligator},
      {Box}, etc.

   {green turtle} (Zo["o]l.), a marine turtle of the genus
      {Chelonia}, having usually a smooth greenish or
      olive-colored shell. It is highly valued for the delicacy
      of its flesh, which is used especially for turtle soup.
      Two distinct species or varieties are known; one of which
      ({Chelonia Midas}) inhabits the warm part of the Atlantic
      Ocean, and sometimes weighs eight hundred pounds or more;
      the other ({C. virgata}) inhabits the Pacific Ocean. Both
      species are similar in habits and feed principally on
      seaweed and other marine plants, especially the turtle

   {Turtle cowrie} (Zo["o]l.), a large, handsome cowrie
      ({Cypr[ae]a testudinaria}); the turtle-shell; so called
      because of its fancied resemblance to a tortoise in color
      and form.

   {Turtle grass} (Bot.), a marine plant ({Thalassia
      testudinum}) with grasslike leaves, common about the West

   {Turtle shell}, tortoise shell. See under {Tortoise}.
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