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The die is cast

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Die \Die\, n.; pl. in 1 and (usually) in 2, {Dice} (d[=i]s); in
   4 & 5, {Dies} (d[=i]z). [OE. dee, die, F. d['e], fr. L. datus
   given, thrown, p. p. of dare to give, throw. See {Date} a
   point of time.]
   1. A small cube, marked on its faces with spots from one to
      six, and used in playing games by being shaken in a box
      and thrown from it. See {Dice}.

   2. Any small cubical or square body.

            Words . . . pasted upon little flat tablets or dies.

   3. That which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the
      die; hazard; chance.

            Such is the die of war.               --Spenser.

   4. (Arch.) That part of a pedestal included between base and
      cornice; the dado.

   5. (Mach.)
      (a) A metal or plate (often one of a pair) so cut or
          shaped as to give a certain desired form to, or
          impress any desired device on, an object or surface,
          by pressure or by a blow; used in forging metals,
          coining, striking up sheet metal, etc.
      (b) A perforated block, commonly of hardened steel used in
          connection with a punch, for punching holes, as
          through plates, or blanks from plates, or for forming
          cups or capsules, as from sheet metal, by drawing.
      (c) A hollow internally threaded screw-cutting tool, made
          in one piece or composed of several parts, for forming
          screw threads on bolts, etc.; one of the separate
          parts which make up such a tool.

   {Cutting die} (Mech.), a thin, deep steel frame, sharpened to
      a cutting edge, for cutting out articles from leather,
      cloth, paper, etc.

   {The die is cast}, the hazard must be run; the step is taken,
      and it is too late to draw back; the last chance is taken.
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