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The main chance

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Chance \Chance\ (ch[.a]ns), n. [F. chance, OF. cheance, fr. LL.
   cadentia a allusion to the falling of the dice), fr. L.
   cadere to fall; akin to Skr. [,c]ad to fall, L. cedere to
   yield, E. cede. Cf. {Cadence}.]
   1. A supposed material or psychical agent or mode of activity
      other than a force, law, or purpose; fortune; fate; -- in
      this sense often personified.

            It is strictly and philosophically true in nature
            and reason that there is no such thing as chance or
            accident; it being evident that these words do not
            signify anything really existing, anything that is
            truly an agent or the cause of any event; but they
            signify merely men's ignorance of the real and
            immediate cause.                      --Samuel

            Any society into which chance might throw him.

            That power Which erring men call Chance. --Milton.

   2. The operation or activity of such agent.

            By chance a priest came down that way. --Luke x. 31.

   3. The supposed effect of such an agent; something that
      befalls, as the result of unknown or unconsidered forces;
      the issue of uncertain conditions; an event not calculated
      upon; an unexpected occurrence; a happening; accident;
      fortuity; casualty.

            It was a chance that happened to us.  --1 Sam. vi.

            The Knave of Diamonds tries his wily arts, And wins
            (O shameful chance!) the Queen of Hearts. --Pope.

            I spake of most disastrous chance.    --Shak.

   4. A possibility; a likelihood; an opportunity; -- with
      reference to a doubtful result; as, a chance to escape; a
      chance for life; the chances are all against him.

            So weary with disasters, tugged with fortune. That I
            would get my life on any chance, To mend it, or be
            rid on 't                             --Shak.

   5. (Math.) Probability.

   Note: The mathematical expression, of a chance is the ratio
         of frequency with which an event happens in the long
         run. If an event may happen in a ways and may fail in b
         ways, and each of these a + b ways is equally likely,
         the chance, or probability, that the event will happen
         is measured by the fraction a/a + b, and the chance, or
         probability, that it will fail is measured by b/a + b.

   {Chance comer}, one who comes unexpectedly.

   {The last chance}, the sole remaining ground of hope.

   {The main chance}, the chief opportunity; that upon which
      reliance is had, esp. self-interest.

   {Theory of chances}, {Doctrine of chances} (Math.), that
      branch of mathematics which treats of the probability of
      the occurrence of particular events, as the fall of dice
      in given positions.

   {To mind one's chances}, to take advantage of every
      circumstance; to seize every opportunity.
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