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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

She \She\, pron. [sing. nom. {She}; poss. {Her}. or {Hers}; obj.
   {Her}; pl. nom. {They}; poss. {Their}or {Theirs}; obj.
   {Them}.] [OE. she, sche, scheo, scho, AS. se['o], fem. of the
   definite article, originally a demonstrative pronoun; cf. OS.
   siu, D. zij, G. sie, OHG. siu, s[=i], si, Icel. s[=u],
   sj[=a], Goth. si she, s[=o], fem. article, Russ. siia, fem.,
   this, Gr. ?, fem. article, Skr. s[=a], sy[=a]. The possessive
   her or hers, and the objective her, are from a different
   root. See {Her}.]
   1. This or that female; the woman understood or referred to;
      the animal of the female sex, or object personified as
      feminine, which was spoken of.

            She loved her children best in every wise.

            Then Sarah denied, . . . for she was afraid. --Gen.
                                                  xviii. 15.

   2. A woman; a female; -- used substantively. [R.]

            Lady, you are the cruelest she alive. --Shak.

   Note: She is used in composition with nouns of common gender,
         for female, to denote an animal of the female sex; as,
         a she-bear; a she-cat.

Their \Their\, pron. & a. [OE. thair, fr. Icel. [thorn]eirra,
   [thorn]eira, of them, but properly gen. pl. of the definite
   article; akin to AS. [eth][=a]ra, [eth][=ae]ra, gen. pl. of
   the definite article, or fr. AS. [eth][=ae]ra, influenced by
   the Scandinavian use. See {That}.]
   The possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their
   houses; their country.

   Note: The possessive takes the form theirs (?) when the noun
         to which it refers is not expressed, but implied or
         understood; as, our land is richest, but theirs is best

               Nothing but the name of zeal appears 'Twixt our
               best actions and the worst of theirs. --Denham.

He \He\ (h[=e]), pron. [nom. {He}; poss. {His} (h[i^]z); obj.
   {Him} (h[i^]m); pl. nom. {They} ([th][=a]); poss. {Their} or
   {Theirs} ([th][^a]rz or [th][=a]rz); obj. {Them}
   ([th][e^]m).] [AS. h?, masc., he['o], fem., hit, neut.; pl.
   h[=i], or hie, hig; akin to Ofries. hi, D. hij, OS. he, hi,
   G. heute to-day, Goth. himma, dat. masc., this, hina, accus.
   masc., and hita, accus. neut., and prob. to L. his this.
   [root]183. Cf. {It}.]
   1. The man or male being (or object personified to which the
      masculine gender is assigned), previously designated; a
      pronoun of the masculine gender, usually referring to a
      specified subject already indicated.

            Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall
            rule over thee.                       --Gen. iii.

            Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God; him shalt thou
            serve.                                --Deut. x. 20.

   2. Any one; the man or person; -- used indefinitely, and
      usually followed by a relative pronoun.

            He that walketh with wise men shall be wise. --Prov.
                                                  xiii. 20.

   3. Man; a male; any male person; -- in this sense used
      substantively. --Chaucer.

            I stand to answer thee, Or any he, the proudest of
            thy sort.                             --Shak.

   Note: When a collective noun or a class is referred to, he is
         of common gender. In early English, he referred to a
         feminine or neuter noun, or to one in the plural, as
         well as to noun in the masculine singular. In
         composition, he denotes a male animal; as, a he-goat.
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