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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Theriodontia \The`ri*o*don"ti*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? (dim.
   of ? a beast) + ?, ?, a tooth.] (Paleon.)
   An extinct order of reptiles found in the Permian and
   Triassic formations in South Africa. In some respects they
   resembled carnivorous mammals. Called also {Theromorpha}.

   Note: They had biconcave vertebr[ae], ambulatory limbs, and a
         well-developed pelvis and shoulder girdle. Some of the
         species had large maxillary teeth. The head somewhat
         resembled that of a turtle. The Dicynodont is one of
         the best-known examples. See {Dicynodont}.

Theromorpha \The`ro*mor"pha\, n. pl. [NL.: Gr. ? beast + ?
   form.] (Paleon.)
   See {Theriodonta}.
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