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Thick-and-thin block

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thick \Thick\, n.
   1. The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest.

            In the thick of the dust and smoke.   --Knolles.

   2. A thicket; as, gloomy thicks. [Obs.] --Drayton.

            Through the thick they heard one rudely rush.

            He through a little window cast his sight Through
            thick of bars, that gave a scanty light. --Dryden.

   {Thick-and-thin block} (Naut.), a fiddle block. See under

   {Through thick and thin}, through all obstacles and
      difficulties, both great and small.

            Through thick and thin she followed him. --Hudibras.

            He became the panegyrist, through thick and thin, of
            a military frenzy.                    --Coleridge.
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