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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ur \Ur\, Ure \Ure\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   The urus.

Ure \Ure\, n. [OE. ure, OF. oevre, ovre, ouvre, work, F.
   [oe]uvre, L. opera. See {Opera}, {Operate}, and cf. {Inure},
   Use; practice; exercise. [Obs.] --Fuller.

         Let us be sure of this, to put the best in ure That
         lies in us.                              --Chapman.

Ure \Ure\, v. t.
   To use; to exercise; to inure; to accustom by practice.

         The French soldiers . . . from their youth have been
         practiced and ured in feats of arms.     --Sir T. More.
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