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Vandyke brown

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vandyke \Van*dyke"\ (v[a^]n*d[imac]k"), a.
   Of or pertaining to the style of Vandyke the painter; used or
   represented by Vandyke. ``His Vandyke dress.'' --Macaulay.
   [Written also {Vandyck}.]

   {Vandyke brown} (Paint.), a pigment of a deep semitransparent
      brown color, supposed to be the color used by Vandyke in
      his pictures.

   {Vandyke collar} or {cape}, a broad collar or cape of linen
      and lace with a deep pointed or scalloped edge, worn lying
      on the shoulders; -- so called from its appearance in
      pictures by Vandyke.

   {Vandyke edge}, an edge having ornamental triangular points.

Source : WordNet®

Vandyke brown
     n : a moderate brown color
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