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Vice consul

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vice \Vice\, a. [Cf. F. vice-. See {Vice}, prep.]
   Denoting one who in certain cases may assume the office or
   duties of a superior; designating an officer or an office
   that is second in rank or authority; as, vice president; vice
   agent; vice consul, etc.

   {Vice admiral}. [Cf. F. vice-amiral.]
   (a) An officer holding rank next below an admiral. By the
       existing laws, the rank of admiral and vice admiral in
       the United States Navy will cease at the death of the
       present incumbents.
   (b) A civil officer, in Great Britain, appointed by the lords
       commissioners of the admiralty for exercising admiralty
       jurisdiction within their respective districts.

   {Vice admiralty}, the office of a vice admiral.

   {Vice-admiralty court}, a court with admiralty jurisdiction,
      established by authority of Parliament in British
      possessions beyond the seas. --Abbott.

   {Vice chamberlain}, an officer in court next in rank to the
      lord chamberlain. [Eng.]

   {Vice chancellor}.
   (a) (Law) An officer next in rank to a chancellor.
   (b) An officer in a university, chosen to perform certain
       duties, as the conferring of degrees, in the absence of
       the chancellor.
   (c) (R. C. Ch.) The cardinal at the head of the Roman

   {Vice consul} [cf. F. vice-consul], a subordinate officer,
      authorized to exercise consular functions in some
      particular part of a district controlled by a consul.

   {Vice king}, one who acts in the place of a king; a viceroy.

   {Vice legate} [cf. F. vice-l['e]gat], a legate second in rank
      to, or acting in place of, another legate.

   {Vice presidency}, the office of vice president.

   {Vice president} [cf. F. vice-pr['e]sident], an officer next
      in rank below a president.

Consul \Con"sul\, n. [L., prob. fr. consulere to deliberate. See
   1. (Rom. Antiq.) One of the two chief magistrates of the

   Note: They were chosen annually, originally from the
         patricians only, but later from the plebeians also.

   2. A senator; a counselor. [Obs.]

            Many of the consuls, raised and met, Are at the
            duke's already.                       --Shak.

            With kings and consuls of the earth.  --Job. iii. 14
                                                  (Douay Ver. )

   3. (Fr. Hist.) One of the three chief magistrates of France
      from 1799 to 1804, who were called, respectively, first,
      second, and third consul.

   4. An official commissioned to reside in some foreign
      country, to care for the commercial interests of the
      citizens of the appointing government, and to protect its

   {Consul general}, a consul of the first rank, stationed in an
      important place, or having jurisdiction in several places
      or over several consuls.

   {Vice consul}, a consular officer holding the place of a
      consul during the consul's absence or after he has been
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