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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Victoria \Vic*to"ri*a\, n. [NL.]
   1. (Bot.) A genus of aquatic plants named in honor of Queen
      Victoria. The {Victoria regia} is a native of Guiana and
      Brazil. Its large, spreading leaves are often over five
      feet in diameter, and have a rim from three to five inches
      high; its immense rose-white flowers sometimes attain a
      diameter of nearly two feet.

   2. A kind of low four-wheeled pleasure carriage, with a
      calash top, designed for two persons and the driver who
      occupies a high seat in front.

   3. (Astron.) An asteroid discovered by Hind in 1850; --
      called also {Clio}.

   {Victoria cross}, a bronze Maltese cross, awarded for valor
      to members of the British army or navy. It was first
      bestowed in 1857, at the close of the Crimean war. The
      recipients also have a pension of [pounds]10 a year.

   {Victoria green}. (Chem.) See {Emerald green}, under {Green}.

   {Victoria lily} (Bot.), the {Victoria regia}. See def. 1,

Victoria \Vic*to"ri*a\, n.
   One of an American breed of medium-sized white hogs with a
   slightly dished face and very erect ears.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: queen of Great Britain and Ireland and empress of India from
          1837 to 1901 (1819-1901) [syn: {Queen Victoria}]
     2: (Roman mythology) goddess of victory; counterpart of Greek
     3: a waterfall in the Zambezi River on the border between
        Zimbabwe and Zambia; diminishes seasonally [syn: {Victoria
     4: a town in southeast Texas southeast of San Antonio
     5: port city and the capital of Seychelles [syn: {capital of
     6: a state in southeastern Australia
     7: capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia on
        Vancouver Island
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