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View of premises

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

View \View\, n. [OF. veue, F. vue, fr. OF. veoir to see, p. p.
   veu, F. voir, p. p. vu, fr. L. videre to see. See {Vision},
   and cl. {Interview}, {Purview}, {Review}, {Vista}.]
   1. The act of seeing or beholding; sight; look; survey;
      examination by the eye; inspection.

            Thenceforth I thought thee worth my nearer view.

            Objects near our view are thought greater than those
            of a larger size are more remote.     --Locke.

            Surveying nature with too nice a view. --Dryden.

   2. Mental survey; intellectual perception or examination; as,
      a just view of the arguments or facts in a case.

            I have with exact view perused thee, Hector. --Shak.

   3. Power of seeing, either physically or mentally; reach or
      range of sight; extent of prospect.

            The walls of Pluto's palace are in view. --Dryden.

   4. That which is seen or beheld; sight presented to the
      natural or intellectual eye; scene; prospect; as, the view
      from a window.

            'T is distance lends enchantment to the view.

   5. The pictorial representation of a scene; a sketch, ?ither
      drawn or painted; as, a fine view of Lake George.

   6. Mode of looking at anything; manner of apprehension;
      conception; opinion; judgment; as, to state one's views of
      the policy which ought to be pursued.

            To give a right view of this mistaken part of
            liberty.                              --Locke.

   7. That which is looked towards, or kept in sight, as object,
      aim, intention, purpose, design; as, he did it with a view
      of escaping.

            No man sets himself about anything but upon some
            view or other which serves him for a reason.

   8. Appearance; show; aspect. [Obs.]

            [Graces] which, by the splendor of her view Dazzled,
            before we never knew.                 --Waller.

   {Field of view}. See under {Field}.

   {Point of view}. See under {Point}.

   {To have in view}, to have in mind as an incident, object, or
      aim; as, to have one's resignation in view.

   {View halloo}, the shout uttered by a hunter upon seeing the
      fox break cover.

   {View of frankpledge} (Law), a court of record, held in a
      hundred, lordship, or manor, before the steward of the
      leet. --Blackstone.

   {View of premises} (Law), the inspection by the jury of the
      place where a litigated transaction is said to have
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