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Vindictive damages

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vindictive \Vin*dic"tive\, a. [For vindicative, confused with L.
   vindicta revenge, punishment, fr. vindicare to vindicate. Cf.
   1. Disposed to revenge; prompted or characterized by revenge;

            I am vindictive enough to repel force by force.

   2. Punitive. [Obs.]

   {Vindictive damages}. (Law) See under {Damage}, n. --
      {Vin*dic"tive*ly}, adv. -- {Vin*dic"tive*ness}, n.

Damage \Dam"age\, n. [OF. damage, domage, F. dommage, fr.
   assumed LL. damnaticum, from L. damnum damage. See {Damn}.]
   1. Injury or harm to person, property, or reputation; an
      inflicted loss of value; detriment; hurt; mischief.

            He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool
            cutteth off the feet and drinketh damage. --Prov.
                                                  xxvi. 6.

            Great errors and absurdities many commit for want of
            a friend to tell them of them, to the great damage
            both of their fame and fortune.       --Bacon.

   2. pl. (Law) The estimated reparation in money for detriment
      or injury sustained; a compensation, recompense, or
      satisfaction to one party, for a wrong or injury actually
      done to him by another.

   Note: In common-law action, the jury are the proper judges of

   {Consequential damage}. See under {Consequential}.

   {Exemplary damages} (Law), damages imposed by way of example
      to others.

   {Nominal damages} (Law), those given for a violation of a
      right where no actual loss has accrued.

   {Vindictive damages}, those given specially for the
      punishment of the wrongdoer.

   Syn: Mischief; injury; harm; hurt; detriment; evil; ill. See
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