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Viviparous fish

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Viviparous \Vi*vip"a*rous\, a. [L. viviparus; vivus alive +
   parere to bear, bring forth. Cf. {Viper}.] (Biol.)
   Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as
   those plants the offspring of which are produced alive,
   either by bulbs instead of seeds, or by the seeds themselves
   germinating on the plant, instead of falling, as they usually
   do; -- opposed to {oviparous}.

   {Viviparous fish}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Embiotocoid}.

   {Viviparous shell} (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of
      operculated fresh-water gastropods belonging to
      {Viviparus}, {Melantho}, and allied genera. Their young,
      when born, have a well-developed spiral shell.
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