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Volcanic ashes

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ashes \Ash"es\, n. pl. [OE. asche, aske, AS. asce, [ae]sce, axe;
   akin to OHG. asca, G. asche, D. asch, Icel. & Sw. aska, Dan.
   aske, Goth. azgo.]
   1. The earthy or mineral particles of combustible substances
      remaining after combustion, as of wood or coal.

   2. Specifically: The remains of the human body when burnt, or
      when ``returned to dust'' by natural decay.

            Their martyred blood and ashes sow.   --Milton.

            The coffins were broken open. The ashes were
            scattered to the winds.               --Macaulay.

   3. The color of ashes; deathlike paleness.

            The lip of ashes, and the cheek of flame. --Byron.

   {In dust and ashes}, {In sackcloth and ashes}, with humble
      expression of grief or repentance; -- from the method of
      mourning in Eastern lands.

   {Volcanic ashes}, or {Volcanic ash}, the loose, earthy
      matter, or small fragments of stone or lava, ejected by
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