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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Votive \Vo"tive\, a. [L. votivus, fr. votum a vow: cf. F. votif.
   See {Vow}.]
   Given by vow, or in fulfillment of a vow; consecrated by a
   vow; devoted; as, votive offerings; a votive tablet. ``Votive
   incense.'' --Keble.

         We reached a votive stone, that bears the name Of Aloys
         Reding.                                  --Wordsworth.

         Embellishments of flowers and votive garlands.

   {Votive medal}, a medal struck in grateful commemoration of
      some auspicious event.

   {Votive offering}, an offering in fulfillment of a religious
      vow, as of one's person or property. -- {Vo"tive*ly}, adv.
      -- {Vo"tive*ness}, n.
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