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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wince \Wince\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Winced}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Wincing}.] [OE. wincen, winchen, OF. quencir, guenchir,
   guenchier, giencier, guinchier, and (assumed) winchier,
   winchir, to give way, to turn aside, fr. OHG. wankjan,
   wenken, to give way, to waver, fr. winchan to turn aside, to
   nod, akin to E. wink. See {Wink}.]
   1. To shrink, as from a blow, or from pain; to flinch; to
      start back.

            I will not stir, nor wince, nor speak a word.

   2. To kick or flounce when unsteady, or impatient at a rider;
      as, a horse winces.

Wincing \Win"cing\, n.
   The act of washing cloth, dipping it in dye, etc., with a

   {Wincing machine}.
   (a) A wince. --Ure.
   (b) A succession of winces. See {Wince}. --Knight.
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