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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Abuse \A*buse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Abused}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Abusing}.] [F. abuser; L. abusus, p. p. of abuti to abuse,
   misuse; ab + uti to use. See {Use}.]
   1. To put to a wrong use; to misapply; to misuse; to put to a
      bad use; to use for a wrong purpose or end; to pervert;
      as, to abuse inherited gold; to make an excessive use of;
      as, to abuse one's authority.

            This principle (if one may so abuse the word) shoots
            rapidly into popularity.              --Froude.

   2. To use ill; to maltreat; to act injuriously to; to punish
      or to tax excessively; to hurt; as, to abuse prisoners, to
      abuse one's powers, one's patience.

   3. To revile; to reproach coarsely; to disparage.

            The . . . tellers of news abused the general.

   4. To dishonor. ``Shall flight abuse your name?'' --Shak.

   5. To violate; to ravish. --Spenser.

   6. To deceive; to impose on. [Obs.]

            Their eyes red and staring, cozened with a moist
            cloud, and abused by a double object. --Jer. Taylor.

   Syn: To maltreat; injure; revile; reproach; vilify;
        vituperate; asperse; traduce; malign.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: used improperly or excessively especially drugs; "an abused
     2: abused with language [ant: {unabused}]
     3: physically abused; "an abused wife" [syn: {ill-treated}, {maltreated},
         {mistreated}] [ant: {unabused}]
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