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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Admire \Ad*mire"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Admired}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Admiring}.] [F. admirer, fr. L. admirari; ad + mirari to
   wonder, for smirari, akin to Gr. ? to smile, Skr. smi, and E.
   1. To regard with wonder or astonishment; to view with
      surprise; to marvel at. [Archaic]

            Examples rather to be admired than imitated.

   2. To regard with wonder and delight; to look upon with an
      elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out
      approbation, esteem, love, or reverence; to estimate or
      prize highly; as, to admire a person of high moral worth,
      to admire a landscape.

            Admired as heroes and as gods obeyed. --Pope.

   Note: Admire followed by the infinitive is obsolete or
         colloquial; as, I admire to see a man consistent in his

   Syn: To esteem; approve; delight in.

Admire \Ad*mire"\, v. i.
   To wonder; to marvel; to be affected with surprise; --
   sometimes with at.

         To wonder at Pharaoh, and even admire at myself.

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: feel admiration for [syn: {look up to}]
     2: look at with admiration
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