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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Adscript \Ad"script\, a. [L. adscriptus, p. p. of adscribere to
   enroll. See {Ascribe}.]
   Held to service as attached to the soil; -- said of feudal

Adscript \Ad"script\, n.
   One held to service as attached to the glebe or estate; a
   feudal serf. --Bancroft.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: written or printed immediately following another character
            and aligned with it [ant: {superscript}, {subscript}]
     2: (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their
        service is transferable from owner to owner; "an adscript
        serf" [syn: {adscripted}]
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