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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Advantageous \Ad`van*ta"geous\, a. [F. avantageux, fr.
   Being of advantage; conferring advantage; gainful;
   profitable; useful; beneficial; as, an advantageous position;
   trade is advantageous to a nation.

         Advabtageous comparison with any other country.

         You see . . . of what use a good reputation is, and how
         swift and advantageous a harbinger it is, wherever one
         goes.                                    --Chesterfield.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our
            country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often"
            [ant: {disadvantageous}]
     2: appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack
        of concern for fairness [syn: {appropriate}]
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