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aeolian harp

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

AEolian \[AE]*o"li*an\, a. [L. Aeolius, Gr. ?.]
   1. Of or pertaining to [AE]olia or [AE]olis, in Asia Minor,
      colonized by the Greeks, or to its inhabitants; [ae]olic;
      as, the [AE]olian dialect.

   2. Pertaining to [AE]olus, the mythic god of the winds;
      pertaining to, or produced by, the wind; a["e]rial.

            Viewless forms the [ae]olian organ play. --Campbell.

   {[AE]olian attachment}, a contrivance often attached to a
      pianoforte, which prolongs the vibrations, increases the
      volume of sound, etc., by forcing a stream of air upon the
      strings. --Moore.

   {[AE]olian harp}, {[AE]olian lyre}, a musical instrument
      consisting of a box, on or in which are stretched strings,
      on which the wind acts to produce the notes; -- usually
      placed at an open window. --Moore.

   {[AE]olian mode} (Mus.), one of the ancient Greek and early
      ecclesiastical modes.

Harp \Harp\, n. [OE. harpe, AS. hearpe; akin to D. harp, G.
   harfe, OHG. harpha, Dan. harpe, Icel. & Sw. harpa.]
   1. A musical instrument consisting of a triangular frame
      furnished with strings and sometimes with pedals, held
      upright, and played with the fingers.

   2. (Astron.) A constellation; Lyra, or the Lyre.

   3. A grain sieve. [Scot.]

   {[AE]olian harp}. See under {[AE]olian}.

   {Harp seal} (Zo["o]l.), an arctic seal ({Phoca
      Gr[oe]nlandica}). The adult males have a light-colored
      body, with a harp-shaped mark of black on each side, and
      the face and throat black. Called also {saddler}, and
      {saddleback}. The immature ones are called {bluesides}.

Source : WordNet®

aeolian harp
     n : a harp having strings tuned in unison; they sound when wind
         passes over them [syn: {aeolian lyre}, {wind harp}]
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