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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Application \Ap`pli*ca"tion\, n. [L. applicatio, fr. applicare:
   cf. F. application. See {Apply}.]
   1. The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as,
      the application of emollients to a diseased limb.

   2. The thing applied.

            He invented a new application by which blood might
            be stanched.                          --Johnson.

   3. The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to
      accomplish an end; specific use.

            If a right course . . . be taken with children,
            there will not be much need of the application of
            the common rewards and punishments.   --Locke.

   4. The act of directing or referring something to a
      particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or
      disagreement, fitness, or correspondence; as, I make the
      remark, and leave you to make the application; the
      application of a theory.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or
          admission to a school; "December 31 is the deadline for
     2: the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a
        particular purpose; "he advocated the application of
        statistics to the problem"; "a novel application of
        electronics to medical diagnosis" [syn: {practical
     3: a program that gives a computer instructions that provide
        the user with tools to accomplish a task; "he has tried
        several different word processing applications" [syn: {application
        program}, {applications programme}]
     4: the work of applying something; "the doctor prescribed a
        topical application of iodine"; "a complete bleach
        requires several applications"; "the surface was ready for
        a coating of paint"; [syn: {coating}, {covering}]
     5: liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or
        medicinal action when applied to the skin; "a lotion for
        dry skin" [syn: {lotion}]
     6: a diligent effort; "it is a job requiring serious
        application" [syn: {diligence}]

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        1. {application program}.
        2. {function application}.
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