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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Apricot \A"pri*cot\, n. [OE. apricock, abricot, F. abricot, fr.
   Sp. albaricoque or Pg. albricoque, fr. Ar. albirq[=u]q,
   al-burq[=u]q. Though the E. and F. form abricot is derived
   from the Arabic through the Spanish, yet the Arabic word
   itself was formed from the Gr. praiko`kia, pl. (Diosc. c.
   100) fr. L. praecoquus, praecox, early ripe. The older E.
   form apricock was prob. taken direct from Pg. See
   {Precocious}, {Cook}.] (Bot.)
   A fruit allied to the plum, of an orange color, oval shape,
   and delicious taste; also, the tree ({Prunus Armeniaca} of
   Linn[ae]us) which bears this fruit. By cultivation it has
   been introduced throughout the temperate zone.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: Asian tree having clusters of usually white blossoms and
          edible fruit resembling the peach [syn: {apricot tree}]
     2: downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach
     3: a shade of pink tinged with yellow [syn: {yellowish pink}, {peach},
         {salmon pink}]
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