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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bauble \Bau"ble\, n. [Cf. OF. baubel a child's plaything, F.
   babiole, It. babbola, LL. baubellum gem, jewel, L. babulus, a
   baburrus, foolish.]
   1. A trifling piece of finery; a gewgaw; that which is gay
      and showy without real value; a cheap, showy plaything.

            The ineffective bauble of an Indian pagod.

   2. The fool's club. [Obs.] ``A fool's bauble was a short
      stick with a head ornamented with an ass's ears
      fantastically carved upon it.'' --Nares.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a mock scepter carried by a court jester
     2: cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing [syn: {bangle},
        {gaud}, {gewgaw}, {novelty}, {fallal}, {trinket}]
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