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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Beadle \Bea"dle\, n. [OE. bedel, bidel, budel, OF. bedel, F.
   bedeau, fr. OHG. butil, putil, G. b["u]ttel, fr. OHG. biotan,
   G. bieten, to bid, confused with AS. bydel, the same word as
   OHG. butil. See. {Bid}, v.]
   1. A messenger or crier of a court; a servitor; one who cites
      or bids persons to appear and answer; -- called also an
      {apparitor} or {summoner}.

   2. An officer in a university, who precedes public
      processions of officers and students. [Eng.]

   Note: In this sense the archaic spellings bedel (Oxford) and
         bedell (Cambridge) are preserved.

   3. An inferior parish officer in England having a variety of
      duties, as the preservation of order in church service,
      the chastisement of petty offenders, etc.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves
          order at services
     2: United States biologist who discovered how hereditary
        characteristics are transmitted by genes (1903-1989) [syn:
         {George Beadle}, {George Wells Beadle}]
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