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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bearberry \Bear"ber*ry\, n. (Bot.)
   A trailing plant of the heath family ({Arctostaphylos
   uva-ursi}), having leaves which are tonic and astringent, and
   glossy red berries of which bears are said to be fond.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: shrubby tree of the Pacific coast of the United States;
          yields cascara sagrada [syn: {cascara buckthorn}, {bearwood},
           {chittamwood}, {chittimwood}, {Rhamnus purshianus}]
     2: deciduous shrub of southeastern and central United States
        [syn: {possum haw}, {winterberry}, {Ilex decidua}]
     3: chiefly evergreen subshrubs of northern to arctic areas
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