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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Beauty \Beau"ty\, n.; pl. {Beautie}s . [OE. beaute, beute, OF.
   beaut['e], biaut['e], Pr. beltat, F. beaut['e], fr. an
   assumed LL. bellitas, from L. bellus pretty. See {Beau}.]
   1. An assemblage or graces or properties pleasing to the eye,
      the ear, the intellect, the [ae]sthetic faculty, or the
      moral sense.

            Beauty consists of a certain composition of color
            and figure, causing delight in the beholder.

            The production of beauty by a multiplicity of
            symmetrical parts uniting in a consistent whole.

            The old definition of beauty, in the Roman school,
            was, ``multitude in unity;'' and there is no doubt
            that such is the principle of beauty. --Coleridge.

   2. A particular grace, feature, ornament, or excellence;
      anything beautiful; as, the beauties of nature.

   3. A beautiful person, esp. a beautiful woman.

            All the admired beauties of Verona.   --Shak.

   4. Prevailing style or taste; rage; fashion. [Obs.]

            She stained her hair yellow, which was then the
            beauty.                               --Jer. Taylor.

   {Beauty spot}, a patch or spot placed on the face with intent
      to heighten beauty by contrast.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the qualities that give pleasure to the senses [ant: {ugliness}]
     2: a very attractive or seductive looking woman [syn: {smasher},
         {stunner}, {knockout}, {ravisher}, {sweetheart}, {peach},
         {lulu}, {looker}, {mantrap}, {dish}]
     3: an outstanding example of its kind; "his roses were
        beauties"; "when I make a mistake it's a beaut" [syn: {beaut}]
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