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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Caruncle \Car"un*cle\, Caruncula \Ca*run"cu*la\, n. [L.
   caruncula a little piece of flesh, dim. of caro flesh.]
   1. (Anat.) A small fleshy prominence or excrescence;
      especially the small, reddish body, the caruncula
      lacrymalis, in the inner angle of the eye.

   2. (Bot.) An excrescence or appendage surrounding or near the
      hilum of a seed.

   3. (Zo["o]l.) A naked, flesh appendage, on the head of a
      bird, as the wattles of a turkey, etc.

Source : WordNet®

     n : an outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's wattle or
         a protuberance near the hilum of certain seeds [syn: {caruncle}]
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