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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Caryopsis \Car`y*op"sis\, n.; pl. {Caryopses}. [NL., fr. gr. ?
   hut, kernel + ? sight, form.] (Bot.)
   A one-celled, dry, indehiscent fruit, with a thin membranous
   pericarp, adhering closely to the seed, so that fruit and
   seed are incorporated in one body, forming a single grain, as
   of wheat, barley, etc.

Source : WordNet®

     See {caryopsis}

     n : dry seedlike fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g.
         wheat, barley, Indian corn [syn: {grain}]
     [also: {caryopsides} (pl), {caryopses} (pl)]
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