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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Comfit \Com"fit\, n. [F. confit, prop. a p. p., fr. confire to
   preserve, pickle, fr. L. conficere to prepare; con- + facere
   to make. See {Fact}, and cf. {Confect}.]
   A dry sweetmeat; any kind of fruit, root, or seed preserved
   with sugar and dried; a confection.

Comfit \Com"fit\, v. t.
   To preserve dry with sugar.

         The fruit which does so quickly waste, . . . Thou
         comfitest in sweets to make it last.     --Cowley.

Source : WordNet®

     n : candy containing a fruit or nut
     v : make into a confection; "This medicine is home-confected"
         [syn: {confect}, {confection}]
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