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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Comrade \Com"rade\ (? or ?; 277), n. [Sp. camarada, fr. L.
   camara, a chamber; hence, a chamber-fellowship, and then a
   chamber-fellow: cf. F. camarade. Cf. {Chamber}.]
   A mate, companion, or associate.

         And turned my flying comrades to the charge. --J.

         I abjure all roofs, and choose . . . To be a comrade
         with the wolf and owl.                   --Shak.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a person who is frequently in the company of another;
          "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms" [syn: {companion},
           {fellow}, {familiar}, {associate}]
     2: a fellow member of the Communist Party
     3: used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in
        the same movement; "Greetings, comrade!" [syn: {brother}]
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