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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Depot \De"pot\ (d[=e]"p[-o]; French d[asl]*p[=o]"; 277), n. [F.
   d['e]p[^o]t, OF. depost, fr. L. depositum a deposit. See
   {Deposit}, n.]
   1. A place of deposit for the storing of goods; a warehouse;
      a storehouse.

            The islands of Guernsey and Jersey are at present
            the great depots of this kingdom.     --Brit. Critic

   2. (Mil.)
      (a) A military station where stores and provisions are
          kept, or where recruits are assembled and drilled.
      (b) (Eng. & France) The headquarters of a regiment, where
          all supplies are received and distributed, recruits
          are assembled and instructed, infirm or disabled
          soldiers are taken care of, and all the wants of the
          regiment are provided for.

   3. A railway station; a building for the accommodation and
      protection of railway passengers or freight. [U. S.]

   Syn: See {Station}.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers
          or goods [syn: {terminal}, {terminus}]
     2: a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the
        docks" [syn: {storehouse}, {entrepot}, {storage}, {store}]
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