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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Depress \De*press"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Depressed}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Depressing}.] [L. depressus, p. p. of deprimere; de-
   + premere to press. See {Press}.]
   1. To press down; to cause to sink; to let fall; to lower;
      as, to depress the muzzle of a gun; to depress the eyes.
      ``With lips depressed.'' --Tennyson.

   2. To bring down or humble; to abase, as pride.

   3. To cast a gloom upon; to sadden; as, his spirits were

   4. To lessen the activity of; to make dull; embarrass, as
      trade, commerce, etc.

   5. To lessen in price; to cause to decline in value; to
      cheapen; to depreciate.

   6. (Math.) To reduce (an equation) in a lower degree.

   {To depress the pole} (Naut.), to cause the sidereal pole to
      appear lower or nearer the horizon, as by sailing toward
      the equator.

   Syn: To sink; lower; abase; cast down; deject; humble;
        degrade; dispirit; discourage.

Depressed \De*pressed"\, a.
   1. Pressed or forced down; lowed; sunk; dejected; dispirited;
      sad; humbled.

   2. (Bot.)
      (a) Concave on the upper side; -- said of a leaf whose
          disk is lower than the border.
      (b) Lying flat; -- said of a stem or leaf which lies close
          to the ground.

   3. (Zo["o]l.) Having the vertical diameter shorter than the
      horizontal or transverse; -- said of the bodies of
      animals, or of parts of the bodies.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: lower than previously; "the market is depressed"; "prices
            are down" [syn: {down(p)}]
     2: flattened downward as if pressed from above or flattened
        along the dorsal and ventral surfaces
     3: low in spirits; "lonely and blue in a strange city";
        "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and
        resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his
        defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted" [syn: {blue},
         {dispirited}, {down(p)}, {downcast}, {downhearted}, {down
        in the mouth}, {low}, {low-spirited}]
     4: having the central portion lower than the margin; "a
        depressed pustule" [syn: {indented}]
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