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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Depth \Depth\, n. (A["e]ronautics)
   The perpendicular distance from the chord to the farthest
   point of an arched surface.

Depth \Depth\ (s[e^]pth), n. [From {Deep}; akin to D. diepte,
   Icel. d[=y]pt, d[=y]p[eth], Goth. diupi[thorn]a.]
   1. The quality of being deep; deepness; perpendicular
      measurement downward from the surface, or horizontal
      measurement backward from the front; as, the depth of a
      river; the depth of a body of troops.

   2. Profoundness; extent or degree of intensity; abundance;
      completeness; as, depth of knowledge, or color.

            Mindful of that heavenly love Which knows no end in
            depth or height.                      --Keble.

   3. Lowness; as, depth of sound.

   4. That which is deep; a deep, or the deepest, part or place;
      the deep; the middle part; as, the depth of night, or of

            From you unclouded depth above.       --Keble.

            The depth closed me round about.      --Jonah ii. 5.

   5. (Logic) The number of simple elements which an abstract
      conception or notion includes; the comprehension or

   6. (Horology) A pair of toothed wheels which work together.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: extent downward or backward or inward; "the depth of the
          water"; "depth of a shelf"; "depth of a closet"
     2: degree of psychological or intellectual depth
     3: (usually plural) the deepest and most remote part; "from the
        depths of darkest Africa"; "signals received from the
        depths of space"
     4: (usually plural) a low moral state; "he had sunk to the
        depths of addiction"
     5: the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
        [syn: {astuteness}, {profundity}, {profoundness}]
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