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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Derive \De*rive"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Derived}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Deriving}.] [F. d['e]river, L. derivare; de- + rivus
   stream, brook. See {Rival}.]
   1. To turn the course of, as water; to divert and distribute
      into subordinate channels; to diffuse; to communicate; to
      transmit; -- followed by to, into, on, upon. [Obs.]

            For fear it [water] choke up the pits . . . they
            [the workman] derive it by other drains. --Holland.

            Her due loves derived to that vile witch's share.

            Derived to us by tradition from Adam to Noah. --Jer.

   2. To receive, as from a source or origin; to obtain by
      descent or by transmission; to draw; to deduce; --
      followed by from.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: determined by mathematical computation; "the calculated
            velocity of a bullet"; "a derived value" [syn: {calculated}]
     2: formed or developed from something else; not original; "the
        belief that classes and organizations are secondary and
        derived"- John Dewey [ant: {underived}]
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