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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Destroy \De*stroy"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Destroyed}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Destroying}.] [OE. destroien, destruien, destrien,
   OF. destruire, F. d['e]truire, fr. L. destruere, destructum;
   de + struere to pile up, build. See {Structure}.]
   1. To unbuild; to pull or tear down; to separate virulently
      into its constituent parts; to break up the structure and
      organic existence of; to demolish.

            But ye shall destroy their altars, break their
            images, and cut down their groves.    --Ex. xxxiv.

   2. To ruin; to bring to naught; to put an end to; to
      annihilate; to consume.

            I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation.
                                                  --Jer. xii.

   3. To put an end to the existence, prosperity, or beauty of;
      to kill.

            If him by force he can destroy, or, worse, By some
            false guile pervert.                  --Milton.

   Syn: To demolish; lay waste; consume; raze; dismantle; ruin;
        throw down; overthrow; subvert; desolate; devastate;
        deface; extirpate; extinguish; kill; slay. See

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; "The fire
          destroyed the house" [syn: {destruct}]
     2: destroy completely; damage irreparably; "You have ruined my
        car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her
        make-up" [syn: {ruin}]
     3: defeat soundly; "The home team demolished the visitors"
        [syn: {demolish}]
     4: as of animals; "The customs agents destroyed the dog that
        was found to be rabid"
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