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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Detection \De*tec"tion\, n. [L. detectio an uncovering,
   The act of detecting; the laying open what was concealed or
   hidden; discovery; as, the detection of a thief; the
   detection of fraud, forgery, or a plot.

         Such secrets of guilt are never from detection. --D.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the perception that something has occurred or some state
          exists; "early detection can often lead to a cure" [syn:
     2: the act of detecting something; catching sight of something
        [syn: {catching}, {espial}, {spying}, {spotting}]
     3: the detection that a signal is being received [syn: {signal
     4: a police investigation to determine the perpetrator;
        "detection is hard on the feet" [syn: {detecting}, {detective
        work}, {sleuthing}]
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