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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Detriment \Det"ri*ment\, n. [L. detrimentum, fr. deterere,
   detritum, to rub or wear away; de + terere to rub: cf. F.
   d['e]triment. See {Trite}.]
   1. That which injures or causes damage; mischief; harm;
      diminution; loss; damage; -- used very generically; as,
      detriments to property, religion, morals, etc.

            I can repair That detriment, if such it be.

   2. A charge made to students and barristers for incidental
      repairs of the rooms they occupy. [Eng.]

   Syn: Injury; loss; damage; disadvantage; prejudice; hurt;
        mischief; harm.

Detriment \Det"ri*ment\, v. t.
   To do injury to; to hurt. [Archaic]

         Other might be determined thereby.       --Fuller.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a damage or loss [syn: {hurt}]
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