Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Devilish \Dev"il*ish\, a.
1. Resembling, characteristic of, or pertaining to, the
devil; diabolical; wicked in the extreme. ``Devilish
wickedness.'' --Sir P. Sidney.
This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is
earthly, sensual, devilish. --James iii.
2. Extreme; excessive. [Colloq.] --Dryden.
Syn: Diabolical; infernal; hellish; satanic; wicked;
malicious; detestable; destructive. -- {Dev"il*ish*ly},
adv. -- {Dev"il*ish*ness}, n.
Source : WordNet®
adv 1: as a devil; in an evil manner; "his writing could be
diabolically satiric" [syn: {diabolically}, {fiendishly}]
2: in a playfully devilish manner; "the socialists are further
handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only
wicked but also devilishly clever" [syn: {devilish}]
3: (used as intensives) extremely; "she was madly in love";
"deadly dull"; "deadly earnest"; "deucedly clever";
"insanely jealous" [syn: {madly}, {insanely}, {deadly}, {deucedly}]