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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Devise \De*vise"\, v. i.
   To form a scheme; to lay a plan; to contrive; to consider.

         I thought, devised, and Pallas heard my prayer. --Pope.

   Note: Devise was formerly followed by of; as, let us devise
         of ease. --Spenser.

Devise \De*vise"\, n. [OF. devise division, deliberation, wish,
   will, testament. See {Device}.]
   1. The act of giving or disposing of real estate by will; --
      sometimes improperly applied to a bequest of personal

   2. A will or testament, conveying real estate; the clause of
      a will making a gift of real property.

            Fines upon devises were still exacted. --Bancroft.

   3. Property devised, or given by will.

Devise \De*vise"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Devised}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Devising}.] [OF. deviser to distribute, regulate, direct,
   relate, F., to chat, fr. L. divisus divided, distributed, p.
   p. of dividere. See {Divide}, and cf. {Device}.]
   1. To form in the mind by new combinations of ideas, new
      applications of principles, or new arrangement of parts;
      to formulate by thought; to contrive; to excogitate; to
      invent; to plan; to scheme; as, to devise an engine, a new
      mode of writing, a plan of defense, or an argument.

            To devise curious works.              --Ex. CCTV.

            Devising schemes to realize his ambitious views.

   2. To plan or scheme for; to purpose to obtain.

            For wisdom is most riches; fools therefore They are
            which fortunes do by vows devise.     --Spenser.

   3. To say; to relate; to describe. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   4. To imagine; to guess. [Obs.] --Spenser.

   5. (Law) To give by will; -- used of real estate; formerly,
      also, of chattels.

   Syn: To bequeath; invent; discover; contrive; excogitate;
        imagine; plan; scheme. See {Bequeath}.

Devise \De*vise"\, n.
   Device. See {Device}. [Obs.]

Source : WordNet®

     v 1: come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or
          priciple) after a mental effort; "excogitate a way to
          measure the speed of light" [syn: {invent}, {contrive},
          {excogitate}, {formulate}, {forge}]
     2: arrange by systematic planning and united effort; "machinate
        a plot"; "organize a strike"; "devise a plan to take over
        the director's office" [syn: {organize}, {organise}, {prepare},
         {get up}, {machinate}]
     3: give by will, especially real property

     n 1: a will disposing of real property
     2: (law) a gift of real property by will
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