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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Diaphoretic \Di`a*pho*ret"ic\, Diaphoretical
\Di`a*pho*ret"ic*al\, a. [L. diaphoreticus, Gr. ?: cf. F.
   diaphor['e]tique. See {Diaphoresis}.]
   Having the power to increase perspiration.

Diaphoretic \Di`a*pho*ret"ic\, n. (Med.)
   A medicine or agent which promotes perspiration.

   Note: Diaphoretics differ from sudorifics; the former only
         increase the insensible perspiration, the latter excite
         the sensible discharge called sweat. --Parr.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : inducing perspiration [syn: {sudorific}]
     n : used to produce perspiration
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