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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dickey \Dick"ey\,
   1. A hat; esp., in U. S., a stiff hat or derby; in Eng., a
      straw hat. [Slang]

Dickey \Dick"ey\, Dicky \Dick"y\, n.
   1. A seat behind a carriage, for a servant.

   2. A false shirt front or bosom.

   3. A gentleman's shirt collar. [Local, U. S.]

Source : WordNet®

     adj : (British informal) faulty; "I've got this dicky heart"- John
           le Carre [syn: {dicky}]

     n 1: a small third seat in the back of an old-fashioned
          two-seater [syn: {dickie}, {dicky}, {dickey-seat}, {dickie-seat},
     2: a man's detachable insert (usually starched) to simulate the
        front of a shirt [syn: {dickie}, {dicky}, {shirtfront}]
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