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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dictate \Dic"tate\, v. i.
   1. To speak as a superior; to command; to impose conditions

            Who presumed to dictate to the sovereign.

   2. To compose literary works; to tell what shall be written
      or said by another.

            Sylla could not skill of letters, and therefore knew
            not how to dictate.                   --Bacon.

Dictate \Dic"tate\, n. [L. dictatum. See {Dictate}, v. t.]
   A statement delivered with authority; an order; a command; an
   authoritative rule, principle, or maxim; a prescription; as,
   listen to the dictates of your conscience; the dictates of
   the gospel.

         I credit what the Grecian dictates say.  --Prior.

   Syn: Command; injunction; direction suggestion; impulse;

Dictate \Dic"tate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dictated}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Dictating}.] [L. dictatus, p. p. of dictare, freq. of
   dicere to say. See {Diction}, and cf. {Dight}.]
   1. To tell or utter so that another may write down; to
      inspire; to compose; as, to dictate a letter to an

            The mind which dictated the Iliad.    --Wayland.

            Pages dictated by the Holy Spirit.    --Macaulay.

   2. To say; to utter; to communicate authoritatively; to
      deliver (a command) to a subordinate; to declare with
      authority; to impose; as, to dictate the terms of a
      treaty; a general dictates orders to his troops.

            Whatsoever is dictated to us by God must be
            believed.                             --Watts.

   Syn: To suggest; prescribe; enjoin; command; point out; urge;

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: an authoritative rule
     2: a guiding principle; "the dictates of reason"
     v 1: issue commands or orders for [syn: {order}, {prescribe}]
     2: say out loud for the purpose of recording; "He dictated a
        report to his secretary"
     3: rule as a dictator
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