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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Emeer \E*meer"\, n.
   Same as {Emir}.

Emir \E"mir\, Emeer \E*meer"\, n. [Ar. em[=i]r, am[=i]r,
   commander: cf. F. ['e]mir. Cf. {Admiral}, {Ameer}.]
   An Arabian military commander, independent chieftain, or
   ruler of a province; also, an honorary title given to the
   descendants of Mohammed, in the line of his daughter Fatima;
   among the Turks, likewise, a title of dignity, given to
   certain high officials.

Source : WordNet®

     n : an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or
         Arabia) [syn: {emir}, {amir}, {ameer}]
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