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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Emporium \Em*po"ri*um\, n.; pl. {Emporiums}, L. {Emporia}. [L.,
   fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? belonging to commerce, fr. ? traveler,
   trader; ? in + ? way through and over, path. See {In}, and
   {Empiric}, {Fare}.]
   1. A place of trade; a market place; a mart; esp., a city or
      town with extensive commerce; the commercial center of a

            That wonderful emporium [Manchester] . . . was then
            a mean and ill-built market town.     --Macaulay.

            It is pride . . . which fills our streets, our
            emporiums, our theathers.             --Knox.

   2. (Physiol.) The brain. [Obs.]

Source : WordNet®

     See {emporium}

     n : a large retail store organized into departments offering a
         variety of merchandise; commonly part of a retail chain
         [syn: {department store}]
     [also: {emporia} (pl)]
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