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end on

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {An end}.
      (a) On end; upright; erect; endways. --Spenser
      (b) To the end; continuously. [Obs.] --Richardson.

   {End bulb} (Anat.), one of the bulblike bodies in which some
      sensory nerve fibers end in certain parts of the skin and
      mucous membranes; -- also called end corpuscles.

   {End fly}, a bobfly.

   {End for end}, one end for the other; in reversed order.

   {End man}, the last man in a row; one of the two men at the
      extremities of a line of minstrels.

   {End on} (Naut.), bow foremost.

   {End organ} (Anat.), the structure in which a nerve fiber
      ends, either peripherally or centrally.

   {End plate} (Anat.), one of the flat expansions in which
      motor nerve fibers terminate on muscular fibers.

   {End play} (Mach.), movement endwise, or room for such

   {End stone} (Horol.), one of the two plates of a jewel in a
      timepiece; the part that limits the pivot's end play.

   {Ends of the earth}, the remotest regions of the earth.

   {In the end}, finally. --Shak.

   {On end}, upright; erect.

   {To the end}, in order. --Bacon.

   {To make both ends meet}, to live within one's income.

   {To put an end to}, to destroy.

Source : WordNet®

end on
     adv : with the end forward or toward the observer; "houses built
           endways" [syn: {endways}, {endwise}]
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