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federation against software theft limited

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Federation Against Software Theft Limited
         (FAST) A non-profitmaking organisation, formed
        in 1984 by the software industry with the aim of eradicating
        {software theft} in the UK.  Prosecuting on average one
        organisation every ten days, FAST gives a member organisation,
        which has signed a Code of Ethics and is committed to the
        carrying out of a regular {software audit}, a period of grace
        before bringing action if there is evidence of irregularities
        by the member organisation.
        In addition to prosecuting organisations and individuals for
        software theft, FAST set up a campaign of public education and
        awareness to ensure that users of commercial software
        understand the effects of software theft - primarily the legal
        penalties for copyright breach and the increased risk of virus
        infection through the uncontrolled spread of software.
        However, FAST is limited to the UK and in 1995 proposed to
        merge with the {Business Software Alliance} created by
        {Microsoft} and which has a world-wide influence.  However,
        the talks fell through and in 1996, {Novell} and {Adobe
        Systems, Inc.} defected to BSA.
        {FAST Home (}.
        E-mail: .
        Telephone: +44 (0) 1628 622 121.
        Address: Clivemont House, 54 Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berks
        SL6 7BZ, UK.
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