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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Felon \Fel"on\, n. [OE., adj., cruel, n., villain, ruffian,
   traitor, whitlow, F. f['e]lon traitor, in OF. also, villain,
   fr. LL. felo. See Fell, a.]
   1. (Law) A person who has committed a felony.

   2. A person guilty or capable of heinous crime.

   3. (Med.) A kind of whitlow; a painful imflammation of the
      periosteum of a finger, usually of the last joint.

   Syn: Criminal; convict; malefactor; culprit.

Felon \Fel"on\, a.
   Characteristic of a felon; malignant; fierce; malicious;
   cruel; traitorous; disloyal.

         Vain shows of love to vail his felon hate. --Pope.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a
          crime [syn: {criminal}, {crook}, {outlaw}, {malefactor}]
     2: a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the
        area surrounding the nail [syn: {whitlow}]
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